How did you end up becoming a part of our Falcons program?
I heard about this wonderful organization from a former teammate of mine, Coach Frank. We
go way back to college days and playing summer baseball in West Palm Beach, Florida. I saw him post about tryouts on his Instagram and I messaged him that I was interested in coaching!
Where did you grow up and what sports did you play growing up?
I was originally born in Queens, NY, but I moved to Valley Stream, Long Island when I was about 7 years old. I grew up there and I played football, basketball and baseball.
What is your favorite memory or moment involving baseball?
My favorite memory is when I signed my first contract to play baseball at the next level in
Puerto Rico. It felt so good to get that notice and that all my hard work over the years was
paying off. It was a special day for me!
What are three things in your daily routine that are good habits you want to keep going?
First, when I wake up in the morning, I make sure I make my bed. It’s always good to start off by accomplishing a task from the start, so I do that. Then I stretch my body, and finish off with a prayer and giving thanks for waking up to another day!
Who is your favorite baseball player? Why?
My favorite baseball player is Alex Rodriguez. I have been watching him since I was a little kid and I know there’s a lot of controversy with his name, but I loved how talented he was and how confident he was on the field. You could just see why he was an MVP and a champion. Also he is very knowledgeable about the game and has a great feel for it.
What major league team, in your opinion, has the best looking uniforms?
I love the Yankees’ classic pinstripes. I know some think it’s boring and love some flair, but
there’s something about the tradition that comes with wearing the pinstripes. I love it. And I’m
not being biased because I’m a Yankee fan! LOL
What is the most important thing you try to teach our Falcons that you hope will stick with
them as they grow up and play at higher levels?
I always want them to remember that baseball is the hardest sport in the world. This sport is
about failure, so don’t get too down on yourself. Mistakes are going to happen, just flush it
away and move on to the next play. Have fun, be a good teammate, and enjoy the game.
If I had to tell all Falcons players to watch one inspiring movie or YouTube video it would be...
I would definitely tell them to watch Rudy. It was very inspirational and motivating to see
someone come from nothing, be told he wasn’t good enough to make the Notre Dame football team, and then work his tail off to achieve his dream. That’s what it’s all about. Never giving up.
My favorite baseball related follow on social media is...
My favorite baseball related follow on social media would have to be the @hittingvault on
Instagram which shows you everything you need to know about hitting and how pro players
swing, their approach, etc.
What is the best advice you ever got from another player or coach that wasn't just for
baseball but has guided you through life?
The best advice I got that wasn’t just regarding baseball was: punctuality. If you’re on time, you are late, and if you’re early, you’re on time. That, and small acts of kindness make a difference.
What is the funniest thing you ever saw happen on a baseball field?
When I was in high school my sophomore year on varsity, my teammate was playing right field and he tried to catch a ball off the fence. He missed the ball and got his cleat lodged in the fence. He was stuck there on the fence until someone went over to help him pull his foot out. We left him hanging there for a little bit.