FALCONS TEAM AND TOURNAMENT REPORT 2023 showcase Despite our first, rescheduled tournament being cancelled, the 2023 team is really practicing and scrimmaging well. The boys have been through it with the time off, but each evening practice brings us back a little more and a little closer to our potential. We have a lot of baseball coming up in July which we’ll keep you posted on! Go Falcons! 2024 showcase The 2024s kicked off their season with a BSE tournament in Pennsylvania. We shook off some rust in the first two games and while the final results weren't what we would have liked, we played hard, swung the bats hard, finished off the tournament with a strong 8-1 win, and scored a total of 21 runs in three games. Lots of positives to build on—great at-bats, great pitching (even from players that don't normally pitch!), really good defense, and great baserunning. Looking forward to seeing what this team can do this season! 12U The 12U Falcons went 2-1-1 in a tournament this past weekend and were a hit away in the last inning of each game from being 4-0. These Falcons scored an impressive total of 39 runs in four games. Led by Mateo Noto, Owen Ten Oever, and Ryan Nieves who each had two home runs apiece, our 12u bombers hit a total of eight home runs this weekend. 11U With only four returning players, our 11U team is somewhat of a new squad from last year. Despite the circumstances of the pandemic, these boys are bonding really well. Our first tournament was a solid start and we played well in our first game, made some minor mistakes in the second game, and advanced to the playoff round but lost. This team has come a long way since our first practice on the field as a full squad. These boys are ready to play some really competitive baseball. We hope to come home with a couple of chips on our belt! 9u 9U is one of the newest teams to the organization. These guys have been working hard this past month to be baseball ready and our first tournament is coming up July 11th. Fingers crossed, but we’re excited for this season!