Hello Falcons Family,
One of the most important attributes of an athlete is their response to adversity. Can a pitcher stay composed with the tying run on second and no-one out? Are you in a relaxed state of mind when the go-ahead run is on third and you’re up at-bat? Are you confident enough to give your body for your team in an attempt to make a diving catch in a big moment?
Now we as athletes, coaches and parents are faced with a different kind of challenge. One that has no face and will not discriminate against anyone. Our response to this challenge will dictate how we come out on the other side. We assure everyone that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We all must do what we can to get to that light as quickly as possible.
We understand that these unprecedented times have caused feelings of sadness, confusion, anger and maybe even lack of initiative - and all of that is completely normal. For most of us, the way we cope with life is through baseball. Baseball is our escape from reality and our reality has, for the time being, taken our piece of mind away. But, we as Falcons can and will get through this difficult time, we will reach the light at the end of the tunnel and we will be stronger, both mentally and physically because of it.
To help cope with the times, we have some tips for both our athletes and parents. Athletes are creatures of habit and crave structure and discipline. Below are some ways in which you can work to help ease the situation and bring some normalcy back to your families’ lives:
Practice self-care
Keep consistent sleeping schedules
Continue exercising. The app Down Dog has offered their services free of charge for all students and teachers until July 1. There are two main apps from the company that have great workouts: Down Dog HIIT and Down Dog Yoga. A sample program will be provided for everyone soon.
Continue training. There are many drills that can be done on your own or with a parent or sibling.
Eat well and stay hydrated.
Avoid huge binges of screen time.
Stay connected with your teammates. Coaches will help with this through team meetings.
Parents can help too:
Set-up routines (schoolwork in the morning, work on skills in the backyard or an empty space in your apartment) to help normalize the situation as best as possible.
If it allows, play catch with your child or practice certain skills or drills at home.
We want everyone to know that we are in this together. We encourage our athletes to put things into perspective and enjoy and appreciate the added time we have with our families. That, in and of itself is a true blessing. We will get back on the fields and we will return to our normal lives and baseball will once again be our escape from reality. Stay safe and stay healthy.
Yours in baseball,
Luis and Charles
“Compete and earn. Nothing is given.”