Falcons Family, We hope everyone is safe and healthy, and you all are enjoying your fall season. There are plenty of new faces on each team and we'd like to extend a warm welcome and hope that you get the most out of the Falcons experience. Not so long ago, we worried there would be no season, but luckily, we are now winding down on five months of playing before we go into our rest period. We have had a good fall thus far with most of our teams making it deep into tournament playoffs. It has been exciting to see all of our kids grow, not only as baseball players, but as responsible young men. Our players were able to make it through this pandemic by looking out for each other and understanding that they cannot put themselves in dangerous situations because it can affect them and their loved ones, including their teammates. As schools are now opening up and we head back into some type of normalcy, we should not let our guard down. Cases in NY have been on the increase and we should remain vigilant with our safety protocols during practices and games. We ask that everyone wears a mask on the field and in the dugouts. Let’s end the season healthy, safe, and united as a strong Falcons family. Best,
Brooklyn Falcons