Opening Season Letter
The Brooklyn Falcons are a youth baseball organization committed to providing professional instruction to dedicated athletes across the socio-economic spectrum. We believe that baseball is more than just a game; it is an opportunity to break racial and economic barriers. Our goal is to build confident, hard-working athletes by putting them in a position to compete, thus gaining confidence through success and learning from failure.
Our mission for the Falcons program is to provide an environment to enhance and encourage the development of skills and abilities of our players in respect to the game of baseball. Falcons players, coaches and organization strive to continuously improve in all aspects of the game with the goal of building the ultimate baseball experience. This goal takes the efforts of everyone involved: coaches, players, parents and the organization. With an all hands on deck approach, we can provide that ultimate experience as our players grow to become not only friends, but FAMILY.
Our organization is currently comprised of five travel teams and three recreational teams, with each travel team consisting of two professional coaches. For Spring/Summer 2021 our five travel teams will be led by the following:
8U Cirilo Nunez, Wendy Gomez (team admin: Charles Lalane, carod10@aol.com)
11U Edwin Jimenez, Mike Allen (admin: Taralynn Lozada, prtara93@gmail.com)
12U Kenny Duverge, Chris Frigiano (admin: Rosaly Duran, rosaly_duran@yahoo.com)
13U Columbia Charles Lalane, Franklyn Coste (admin: Kim Crespo-Ramirez, kac331@aol.com)
13U Navy Michael Gonzalez, Courtney Trembone (admin: Melissa Landi, landi.melissa@gmail.com )
will serve as our rover and will help assist practices according to team needs. Coach Willie Ortiz, a former AAA player in the Seattle Mariners organization, is our defensive specialist who runs our defensive clinics with all players in the organization.
Our administrative staff consists of:
Charles Lalane – Chief of Operations
Carlos Lalane – Executive Director
Charlton Lalane – Director of Recreation
Kenny Duverge – Director of Baseball Operations
Wendy Gomez – Director of Recreational Baseball
Our junior division teams offer top-level instruction in a competitive environment designed to prepare our athletes for the High-School Division, where we provide players the opportunity to showcase their skills in front of the top colleges and universities around the country.
We strongly believe in challenging all of our athletes, regardless of age, on a daily basis in a competitive, age-appropriate environment. Our philosophy and attention to detail is why we feel we have some of the best coaches in amateur baseball. All of our coaches have either pro or college playing experience and have coached at the high school and travel-ball level. We strongly believe in their ability to coach and develop while putting our players in the best position to succeed both on and off the field.
For more information regarding the Brooklyn Falcons organization please visit the website and subscribe to the mailing list (www.brooklynfalcons.com). Also, be sure to keep up to date with the Brooklyn Falcons via social media at the following handles:
Instagram: @bkfalcons
Facebook: @bkfalcons
Twitter: @bkfalcons1
Youtube: Brooklyn Falcons
Our teams’ schedules for practices and tournaments can be found on TeamSnap. (Download the app and connect to the roster through your team admin.) You can also reach us via email: admin@brooklynfalcons.com.
Thank you for your support and trust.
Brooklyn Falcons Baseball
"Compete and Earn, Nothing is Given"